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Memory Exchange: Community Conversation and Lunch

Memory Exchange: Community Conversation and Lunch

Join us for the first Southern Maryland Folklife Festival ‘Memory Exchange'!

Memories are made by social events and special connections. They link us to the past and make us who we are in the present. Join us for lunch and to share memories of Southern Maryland to help us reflect upon the stakes of commemoration. What makes something or someone memorable? What memories have shaped the identity of St. Mary’s County? What role do monuments play in this process? 

This lunch is part of a larger Commemorative Futures project that seeks to outline visions for the Commemorative to the Enslaved Peoples of Southern Maryland. Over lunch, we encourage you to share memories but also ideas about the future role of the Commemorative in county life. Help us define the next steps and be a part of the wider conversation concerning the power of memory in public. This will take place on Saturday at 12:15pm in DPC.

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